Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Apache and Server Side Includes ( and a bit of Microsoft rant)

Have had a wrestling-match with Apache webserver for two days now. Needed to establish a development server on my local machine. So I needed Apache2, PHP4 and SSI support.
Apache worked right out of the box. PHP4 did not work right out of the box, but after a couple of hurs this worked fine too. I have stopped counting how many hours I have used trying to enable SSI. It makes me depressed. Am using Linux, which means a lack of fancy configuration tools ( Yes, I have seen them available for win32 clients ) .

Nevertheless, I think this is better. Working with Microsoft is like a 40 year old still living with his parents. That person will do fine as long as they are alive, but what happens when they die ? Or when he is forced to move out from home ? The philosophy of M$ is to cuddle with us so much that we make ourselves addicted, and happily throws out almost 200$ for a new operating system ( Windows XP pro Norwegian), 500$ for a decent office-environment ( Office Pro 2003 Norwegian) or 320$ for the ability to make own homepages ( Frontpage 2003 Norwegian).

Well, nuff ranting now. have to emark on the journey of enabling server side includes. Right now I wish I had a fancy graphic configuration tool :)


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